Read the excerpt from Rena Kornreich Gelissen’s Rena's Promise: Two Sisters in Auschwitz. “I have a favor to ask of you, Andrzej . . . This is very difficult for me, but I must ask. It is no longer safe in Tylicz for Rena. Her mother and I are worried for her safety every day.” Read the text and study the image from Art Spiegelman’s Maus. The theme best expressed in both excerpts is

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Answers 3

I took the test and The answer is D. Threatening, uncertainty.

The theme best expressed in both excerpts is

Option D

  • Threatening and uncertainty.

While there she was brought together with her sister Danka. Every day turned into a battle to satisfy the guarantee Rena made to her mom when the family had to part separated a guarantee to deal with her sister.

From sneaking bread for their companions to barely getting away from the always present dangers that lingered every step of the way, the convincing occasions in Rena's Promise advise us that humankind and trust can endure unnecessary mercilessness.

Rena Kornreich and other young ladies were gathered together and constrained onto the primary Jewish vehicle of ladies to Auschwitz. Before long, Rena was brought together with her sister Danka at the camp, starting an account of affection and mental fortitude that would most recent three years and days.

From carrying bread for their companions to barely getting away from the consistently present dangers that lingered every step of the way, the convincing occasions in Rena's Promise.

AI generated Answer

The theme best expressed in both excerpts is the importance of family and the lengths people will go to protect their loved ones. In both examples, the characters demonstrate a determination to protect those they care about, even if it requires difficult decisions. In Rena's Promise, Rena's parents are willing to risk giving her away in order to protect her from the dangers of the Nazi occupation. Similarly, in Maus, Art Spiegelman's father sacrifices his own safety in order to protect his son from the Holocaust. Both texts illustrate the power of family and the lengths people will go to protect those they love.
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