The person(s) responsible for assuring the safety and rights of study participants include:A. Principal Investigator.
B. Sub-Investigator.
C. Data and Safety Monitoring Board.
D. Research Assistant.
E. Study Physician.
F. Phlebotomist.
G. All of the above.
9 months agoPART B: How did this structure change over time in ancient Greece?
(23) 'Of course some one might cut them down.' The boy lowered his voice; it seemed shameful to mention the perpetration of such a deed aloud. 'It would be terrible to hear them groan when the axe struck them. The young ones mightn't mind so much; but it would be bad for the grandfather trees who've been here from the beginning. Hannah says one would still hear them wailing on stormy nights.'
How does this paragraph add tension to the passage?
2 years ago