A large retail corporation is trying to minimize the possibility of a cyberattack on customer data. what would be a recommended strategy for preventing an attack?

Answers 2

A recommended strategy for preventing an attack is to use an end-to-end encryption, a robust firewall and anti-malware software program.

What is information security?

Information security refers to a preventive practice which is used to protect an information system (IS) from potential theft, attack, damage, or unauthorized access, especially through the use of a body of technology.

In this context, we can infer and logically conclude that the use of an end-to-end encryption, a robust firewall and anti-malware software program is a recommended strategy for preventing an attack.

AI generated Answer

Quick Answer: Implement strong password protocols, use encryption for all customer data, and ensure regular vulnerability scans and patch management. Full Explanation: To minimize the possibility of a cyberattack on customer data, a large retail corporation should first implement strong password protocols. This includes regularly changing passwords, using multi-factor authentication, and prohibiting the re-use of passwords across different accounts. The company should also use encryption for all customer data, as this provides an additional layer of security to make sure that any data stored or transferred is secure from unauthorized access. Additionally, the company should ensure regular vulnerability scans and patch management are in place to detect any security threats that might have slipped through the cracks. Finally, the company should ensure their information systems are secure from outside attacks by regularly testing their defenses and investing in security solutions.
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