Examine the weather map. A weather map of the United notes. The following are shown on the map: major cities with high and low temperatures; high and low pressure systems; types of precipitation, fronts. Which weather forecast would be accurate based on this weather map? Rain is expected in Billings. It will be cold in Atlanta. Miami will have sunny weather. Minneapolis will be stormy.

Answers 2


Rain is expected in Billings


At the top, there are raindrops over the word billing. I also took the test and got it 100% right.

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Yes, these forecasts would be accurate based on the weather map. The map shows a low-pressure system over Billings, indicating that rain is likely. Atlanta is marked with a low temperature, indicating cold weather. Miami is marked with sunshine, indicating sunny weather. And Minneapolis is marked with a frontal system, indicating that it will be stormy.
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