What is an example of a way a farm could apply new technology to improve sustainability Use machine learning to improve product transportation and delivery purchased new farm equipment using Blockchain-based cryptocurrency build a data center on the farm premises to store more information use artificial intelligence to predict and adjust the farms water usage

Answers 2

An example of a way a farm can apply new technology to ensure sustainability is: D. the use of artificial intelligence to predict and adjust the farms water usage.

What is Precision Agriculture?

  • Precision Agriculture can be defined as a management strategy that employs artificial intelligence (AI) in collating, processing and analyzing different form of data and information in order to support farm management decisions to increase efficiency and sustainability of agricultural production.
  • Examples of precision agriculture includes the use of drones, irrigation technologies, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

Therefore, an example of a way a farm can apply new technology to ensure sustainability is: D. the use of artificial intelligence to predict and adjust the farms water usage.

AI generated Answer

Quick Answer: Use artificial intelligence to predict and adjust the farms water usage. Full Explanation: Farmers can use artificial intelligence (AI) to predict and adjust their water usage in order to maximize sustainability. AI can analyze data from soil types, rainfall levels, temperatures, and other environmental factors to determine the ideal water usage needed for crops and plants. AI can also help automate irrigation systems to ensure that only the necessary amount of water is being used and nothing is wasted. This will help reduce water consumption and lead to increased sustainability over time. Additionally, AI can be used to monitor and analyse soil health in real-time. This will help farmers make informed decisions on crop rotations or fertilization plans, which can help reduce waste and promote sustainable farming practices.
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