Complete the following outline on ants by selecting topics and subtopics from the table. Capitalize each main word of the topic and each first word of each subtopic. I. Farmer Ants That Plant Crops A. B. C. Plant mushroom spores in mush II. A. B. Carry cows from place to place III. Ants That Store Food for Others A. B. C. article: The ant is an amazing little creature. Farmer ants plant crops and grow their food. These little ants chew on leaves until they are mushy. They put the mush inside their homes and then plant mushroom spores in the mushy leaves. In time, they harvest the mushrooms for food. Some ants keep dairy farms. Their cows are little insects called aphids. They milk the aphids. They do not herd them to pasture, but carry them from place to place. Some ants store food for other ants to use. These ants fill themselves with honey until they are stuffed. Then they hang themselves from the top of the tunnel. These hanging honey pots supply hungry ants with a drink of honey. The hungry ants reach up for the drink as they pass through the tunnel. The ants spend the rest of their lives as hanging honey pots. Dont say "read the article"

Answers 2


Imagine yourself to be a servant in the house of Portia of Belmont. You were present when

Bassanio opened the lead casket. Narrate this incident briefly and describe the importance of

the caskets and write your opinion about Bassanio.

2.The little match girl is a victim of the cold treatment of society – Elaborate.

[Outline: Author, Brief outline of the story – Conflicts in the story between man and nature – effects

of war – symbolism – quote lines from the story to support your views.]

3.“I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” – is a poem that enlightened the entire world about the

cruelty of racism. – Justify.

[Outline: Poet – summary of the poem – background of the poem – your curiosity to understand the

hidden meanings– contemporary references – critical analysis of the themes]

AI generated Answer

about it I. Farmer Ants That Plant Crops A. Chew Leaves B. Plant Mushroom Spores C. Harvest Mushrooms II. Carry Cattle A. Milk Aphids B. Herd to Pasture III. Ants That Store Food for Others A. Fill with Honey B. Hang from Tunnel C. Supply Hungry Ants The ant is an amazing little creature. They are incredibly industrious and can perform a variety of tasks. Farmer ants plant crops and grow their own food. They chew on leaves until they are mushy and then put the mush inside their homes to plant mushroom spores. In time, they harvest the mushrooms for food. Other ants keep dairy farms and milk aphids, as well as herd them from place to place. Still others store food for other ants to use. These ants fill themselves with honey until they are stuffed and then hang themselves from the top of a tunnel. The honey pots provide hungry ants with a drink of honey as they pass through the tunnel, and the ants remain hanging honey pots for the rest of their lives.
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