How did the geography of Mesopotamia contribute to the development of early civilization there? Be sure to include three supporting details in your response.

Answers 3


Trade Routes. Mesopotamia's rivers and location in central Asia supported extensive trade routes. ... This allowed Mesopotamia to access resources not native to its region, like timber and precious metals. In turn, Mesopotamia developed key aspects of civilization, like a token system to keep trading records

My Answer:
  • Mesopotamia's soil was uniquely fertile, which gave humans reason to settle in the region and begin farming. As early as 5,800 B.C.E, people were living in the area known as the "Fertile Crescent" to take advantage of the rich soil. Mesopotamia's unique fertility allowed humans to settle in one place to farm.

The first civilizations appeared in locations where the geography was favorable to intensive agriculture. Governments and states emerged as rulers gained control over larger areas and more resources, often using writing and religion to maintain social hierarchies and consolidate power over larger areas and populations.

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AI generated Answer

Quick Answer: Mesopotamia's river valleys, natural resources, and mountain ranges allowed for the development of irrigation, increased agricultural production, and protection from invading forces. Explanation: Mesopotamia's geography was key in the development of early civilization there. Firstly, Mesopotamia was located between two major rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. The valleys provided a highly fertile environment, which gave people the opportunity to begin experimenting with agriculture. Secondly, the land also had a variety of natural resources like timber and minerals which helped contribute to the strengthening of the early civilizations. Lastly, because of the mountain ranges around Mesopotamia, it was harder for invading forces to access, which provided security to those civilizations. In conclusion, Mesopotamia's river valleys, natural resources, and mountain ranges enabled the early civilizations to have access to irrigation, increased agricultural production, and protection from invading forces, all of which contributed to their development.
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