There would be no separation between one country’s economy and another’s if the entire world A) shared the same currency. B) chose paper currency over coins. C) eliminated denominations for currency. D) agreed to use only two types of currency.

Answers 3


The correct answer is A (there would be no separation between one country's economy and another's if the entire world shared the same currency.)


This would make the financial world framework a progressively joined one, since the majority of the nations would have a similar cash, and thusly a similar money hazard in the universal exchange.

It would absolutely level the majority of the distinctive nations' economies together, in light of the fact that diverse nations would not have the capacity to utilize their money trade as an approach to move their merchandise at a higher or lower cost in the worldwide market.

It would make a feeling of network inside the diverse economies around the globe, similarly that the euro joined the distinctive European economies.


A- shared the same currency


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Answer: A) Shared the same currency. Explanation: If the entire world shared the same currency, there would be no separation between one country’s economy and another’s. This would eliminate exchange rates and allow for easier and more direct trading between countries. Other options like choosing paper currency over coins, eliminating denominations for currency, or agreeing to use only two types of currency would not have the same effect of eliminating economic separation.
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