In this project, you’ll create a security infrastructure design document for a fictional organization. The security services and tools you describe in the document must be able to meet the needs of the organization. As the security consultant, the company needs you to add security measures to the following systems: a. An external website permitting users to browse and purchase widgets b. An internal intranet website for employees to use c. Secure remote access for engineering employees d. Reasonable, basic firewall rules e. Wireless coverage in the office f. Reasonably secure configurations for laptops Since this is a retail company that will be handling customer payment data, the organization would like to be extra cautious about privacy. They don't want customer information falling into the hands of an attacker due to malware infections or lost devices. Engineers will require access to internal websites, along with remote, command line access to their workstations.

Answers 2



It is very important for the organisation to implement maximum security to the infrastructure. The main data totally belongs to the customers which mainly has customers' personal information and bank details. So, here are few things that needs to be look at as a security expert:

Encryption: the implementation of encryption tool to encrypt the data especially passwords and card details of the customer will be help in securing the infrastructure. Encryption makes it hard for anyone to be able decrypt the actual data.

Firewall: This is the beginning stage of implementing security to an infrastructure. Firewall will help greatly in blocking traffic that are unwanted from entering into the infrastructure. This also blocks untrusted traffic to the application server too.

SSL certificate: Implementation of SSL certificate to the website or the application will help greatly in securing and protecting the application for you against online hackers.

Every device belongs to your system must be implemented with anti-malware softwares that can able to detect malware present in the system.

AI generated Answer

Quick Answer: The security infrastructure design for the fictitious organization should include a secure external website with HTTPS protocol, an internal intranet website with authentication and authorization, multifactor authentication for remote access, firewall rules, secure wireless coverage, and reasonable laptop configuration settings. Full Explanation: The security infrastructure design for the fictional organization should include the following security services and tools. For the external website permitting users to browse and purchase widgets, secure web protocols such as HTTPS should be used to ensure data is protected. Additionally, SSL certificates can be used to verify the identity of the website. For the internal intranet website, authentication and authorization measures should be used to ensure only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data. User credentials should be stored and managed using hashing algorithms. Secure remote access should be implemented for engineering employees via multifactor authentication. This will involve using multiple factors such as passwords, one-time passwords, biometrics, and two-factor authentication. Firewall rules should be configured to prevent unauthorized access or malicious traffic from entering the internal network. Wireless coverage in the office should also be secured by implementing WPA2 encryption protocols and other advanced security features. Finally, reasonable laptop configurations should be put in place to thwart malware infections and protect customer information from falling into the hands of an attacker. This could include configuring user access control settings, ensuring up-to-date antivirus software is installed, and disabling unneeded services.
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