how do i use autofill to fill the range A9:H11 with the formatting from the range A7:H8

Answers 3


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An image showing the range of cells is attached.

The task is to use autofill to fill the range of A9:H11 with the formatting from the range of A7:H8;

As shown in the image some cells are already filled. First, we highlight the cells A7:H8 and then we move the cursor to the end of the selected cell (precisely end of H8) over what is called Fill Handle and the cursor then turns into a black plus sign.

Hold down the right mouse button and drag over the wanted range of cells (A9:H11) and release.

A list of options is presented, this options include:

Copy cells, Fill series, Fill formatting only, Fill without formatting and so on.

From the displayed options, we select "Fill formatting only" and the cell (A9:H11) will have the same formatting as the cells (A7:H8).

answer img

To perform the autofill process, we take the following steps :

  • Highlight the cells whose formatting we want to copy to other cells in our worksheet. In this case the cells to be highlighted are A7:H8
  • We move our cursor the bottom - right corner of the highlighted cell, in this scenario, (bottom right corner of cell H8.
  • At this point, a solid plus(+) sign appears, right click and hold on the + sign and drag the mouse over the preferred cells which we want the formatting of our highlighted cell to be applied (A9:A11).
  • Once the mouse has been dragged over the preferred cell range , release the mouse and a number of formatting options appear.
  • The required formatting option should be selected and it would applied on the preferred cell range.

Autofill option in Excel allows a certain formating option used in a cell or range of cells to be copied to a preferred cell range easily by simply dragging our mouse over the preferred range.

AI generated Answer

Quick Answer: Select the range A9:H11, then press Ctrl+D. Full Explanation: To use autofill to fill the range A9:H11 with the formatting from the range A7:H8, you first need to select the range A9:H11. You can do this by clicking and dragging over the range, or by selecting the first cell (A9) and then holding down Shift and pressing the arrow key that points to the last cell in the range (H11). Once you have the range selected, press Ctrl+D on your keyboard. This will copy the contents and formatting of the first range (A7:H8) to the second range (A9:H11).
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