Over the past week, every time Larry has started his computer, he has noticed that the time is not correct. Larry didn't consider this a problem because his computer was working properly. However, now Larry has decided that he should investigate why the time is not accurate. What can you tell Larry to check to find out why the clock does not keep the right time?

Answers 2

Answer + Explanation:

You can tell Larry to set his device's location on 'enabled' at all times. That way, you get the time zone too. For example. if you live in the US, and your Location is not enabled, then the device may think that you are in China, or where the device was last at.

AI generated Answer

Quick Answer: Check the settings in the BIOS to make sure that the time is set correctly, and the CMOS battery is functioning properly. Full Explanation: To find out why the clock does not keep the right time, Larry should check the settings in the BIOS. He should verify that the time is set correctly, and the CMOS battery is functioning properly. If the battery is not working, then the computer will not be able to keep track of the correct time. It is also possible that the time has been changed by malware or another user, so Larry should also check for any suspicious activity on his computer. Finally, he should also check for any system updates that may have been applied recently which could have caused the problem.
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